Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Bacon Jalapeno Burgers with Chipotle Mayonnaise

This, my friends, is the burger I was telling you about yesterday! This baby is NOT for the faint of heart…  it’s got Bacon, Spicy Jalapenos, Grilled Red Onion, Colby Jack Cheese, and a Spicy Smokey Chipotle Mayonnaise that will rock your socks off (plus a little lettuce so we didn’t look like complete gluttons).

Something about it just SCREAMS “Cowboy Burger”!! Don’t ya think?!?!  

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make the Salted Pretzel Rolls to go with these! You will not regret it. It may seem like a lot of work, but really it’s mostly just rise time… plus the ingredients that go into this burger are pretty daggum simple, but they just WORK. I mean really REALLY work!

You know what they say, “A picture is worth a thousand words.”

Look at this baby… she talks to you, doesn’t she?!

I don’t think ya’ll need any more convincing to go make these… (at least I hope not!) 

So quit doddling… get on it!

Enjoy! 🙂

Note: Thankfully I live in the land of year-round grilling (ie: Florida)… however, if it’s icy and blizzarding where you live this time of year - you can cook the burgers in a skillet or on an indoor grill pan.

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Bacon Jalapeno Burgers with Chipotle Mayonnaise

Yield: 4

Prep Time: 10-15 minutes

Cook Time: 8-12 minutes

Total Time: 20-30 minutes


For the Chipotle Mayonnaise:
1/4 cup mayonnaise
1-2 chipotle peppers
2 teaspoons adobo sauce*

For the Burgers:
1 1/3 pounds ground beef of choice (we used 85/15)
A sprinkle of salt, pepper, garlic powder
4 rounds of red onion
4 slices colby jack cheese
8 slices crispy cooked bacon
16-20 pickled jalapeno slices
4 pretzel rolls (or other rolls if you choose)


For the Chipotle Mayonnaise:
Mix together ingredients until combined.
*Note: You can find cans of chipotle peppers in adobo sauce in the Ethnic aisle at your grocery store. I pull out a pepper or 2 & dice them up, and then use the adobo sauce straight from the can! Store the leftovers in a little airtight container in the fridge for future use! GOOD stuff!

For the Burgers:
Divide the ground beef into four 1/3 pound burgers. Patty them out and set them on a large plate. Season with a simple sprinkling of salt, pepper, and garlic powder (make sure you season both sides). Set aside until ready to grill (or pan sear if it's cold where you are).

Heat grill (or pan) to medium to medium-high heat and grill for a 4-7 minutes on each side until desired doneness (I'm a medium girl - hubs is a medium rare guy). During last minute of cooking - add a slice of cheese to each burger and close cover until cheese begins to melt. While the burgers are cooking, add the onion sliced and allow them to char a bit on each side and begin to soften. Remove burger and onions from grill and allow to rest for 2-3 minutes before serving.

Place a burger on each bun and top with 2 slices of bacon and 4-5 jalapeno slices. Slather some of the chipotle mayo on the top bun and place a grilled onion round on top. Add a little lettuce if you so desire and place to halves of the bun together. Slice in half and serve!

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28 Responses to “Bacon Jalapeno Burgers with Chipotle Mayonnaise”

  1. 1

    Bev Weidner — January 18, 2012 @ 9:32 am


  2. 2

    Julie @ Table for Two — January 18, 2012 @ 9:38 am

    OH-EM-GEE. Tinaaaaaaa!! I want one! This looks amazing. Mouth = drooling.

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    Molly — January 18, 2012 @ 9:40 am

    Drooling over these. And it’s 9am.

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    Lori @ RecipeGirl — January 18, 2012 @ 9:46 am

    Oh my goodness! Thankfully I live in SoCal, so we can grill all year long too! YUM!

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    Kathryn — January 18, 2012 @ 9:48 am

    I’m packing my bag and heading on the next flight over. I want this burger so bad!

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    Lane — January 18, 2012 @ 9:51 am

    I already have pretzel rolls on my menu for next week. I was waiting for this burger. My life is complete now!

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    brandi — January 18, 2012 @ 10:17 am

    ah….i’m pretty sure this post serves as an invite for dinner, right? 🙂

    • Kristina replied: — January 18th, 2012 @ 10:43 am

      definitely! 😉 come on, girl!!

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    Erin — January 18, 2012 @ 10:32 am

    OMG I want this for lunch. Or how about pre-lunch because IDK if I could wait that long. Perfect burger for that bun too!

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    Chels R. — January 18, 2012 @ 3:03 pm

    This looks delicious! My husband loves burgers and jalapeños. Me on the other hand, I love a good burger but I’m allergic to red onions and I’m super sensitive to spicy things. I really should try a Jalapeño at some point though. I’m just scared my mouth will be on fire forever, haha!

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    Kristy @ Sweet Treats and More — January 18, 2012 @ 3:37 pm

    Holy YUM!!! I wish I lived in the land of year-round grilling!!

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    Alaina — January 18, 2012 @ 6:27 pm

    oh my yumminess! I just had a burger similar to this last night, but the chipotle mayo here sounds AMAZING! Definitely on my “to make soon” list!

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    Rodney — January 18, 2012 @ 6:31 pm

    This is officially going to be the first burger I grill this year as soon as the weather gets warmer. The spicier the better!

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    Cassie — January 18, 2012 @ 6:59 pm

    I think I almost fainted. Neeeeed this!

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    Jessica @ How Sweet — January 18, 2012 @ 9:33 pm

    i think i just died. gimme.

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    Jessica — January 19, 2012 @ 6:56 am

    That is one sexy burger! Hubba, hubba!

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    Leslie — January 19, 2012 @ 7:40 am

    Yep..the lettuce makes them totally diet food! 😉

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    Crystal — January 19, 2012 @ 9:32 am

    Ok so I totally want these and even if I cannot grill outside, there’s a thing called a George Foreman! lol, so yeah I am gonna make these. I just wanted to comment about Pinterest, I am totally addicted and I would love to follow you on there, I have found a ton of recipes and other cool things, bet you have a huge food board! I know my email address will not be published but surely you have access to it, and you could email me and we can follow each other on Pinterest! What do ya think!?

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    Gloria — January 19, 2012 @ 9:41 am

    This look delicious! The fat & fried lover in me in me is thinking “Onion Straws!!!”! Too bad none of this are allowed to me during January due to all the Lechón I ate in December!!! I need to loose the 15 pound I gained during X-mas!

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    Jennifer @ Peanut Butter and Peppers — January 19, 2012 @ 9:50 am

    Yum, looks amazing! I am torn for dinenr tonight, hamburgers or meatloaf? The burger looks so good!!

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    Mrs. L — January 19, 2012 @ 2:02 pm

    The burgers look great and I may just have to get over my fear of baking with yeast to try the pretzel rolls!

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    Sandra — January 19, 2012 @ 3:34 pm

    This bad boy is going to haunt me until I make it. No burger should look that good.

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    Margo — January 24, 2012 @ 10:52 am

    Your pics are gorgeous! I’m nicking the chipotle mayonnaise recipe for some other things but am being asked to make the burgers this weekend by my favorite carnivore. Thanks for posting this!

  23. 23

    Bacon Jalapeno Burgers with Chipotle Sauce | The Spiffy Cookie — February 29, 2012 @ 8:02 am

    […] Source: Adapted slightly from My Life as a Mrs. […]

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    m — July 6, 2012 @ 9:41 pm

    I want one NOW!

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    Shawn — July 6, 2012 @ 9:55 pm

    Looks great! My only change would be to go with iceberg lettuce. Has a slightly crisp crunch that compliments hamburgers better than the limp sheets of fancy greens.

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    Dave — July 6, 2012 @ 10:58 pm

    I’d add avocado, for maximal gluttony (and it counts as a green vegetable, sort of).

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    Stephen Macklin — July 7, 2012 @ 8:34 am

    I live in New England and I have to say that anyone who thinks there is a “grilling season” is a wimp. Last year we had a very mild winter. The year before we had a ton of snow. The snow along the path I shoveled to the grill peaked at four feet. I grilled at least twice a week.

    There is something extra special about the taste of a piece of meat you grilled outside in January when it’s 10 degrees. I’m going to save this page so we can make them on Christmas eve!

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