Friday, March 13, 2015

The Frenchy: Grapefruit, Elderflower and Gin Cocktail

The Frenchy: Grapefruit, Elderflower, and Gin Cocktail

It’s Friday and I’m bringing back an old (and much beloved) series we like to call… COCKTAIL FRIDAYS!

It may not be every Friday but it’s coming back and you will see it around here much more often! Can I get a “woop woop”?!?! Errrrr… Woop woop isn’t a thing anymore?

Continuing on.

The Frenchy: Grapefruit, Elderflower, and Gin Cocktail

If you remember, the hubs is the master cocktail afficianado around here and used to write all the posts that so eloquently described his masterpieces. He is still the developer behind all these cocktail recipes, and he may pop in from time to time to tell ya about them, but more often than not (due to hubs’ demanding work schedule), you will probably get me here saying “HOLY SMOKES IS THIS GOOD”… as I honestly do with every cocktail the hubs puts into my hands! The man can make a DRAAAANK!

Anyhow that brings me to this drink… my latest favorite, go-to, one that I reach for these days: THE FRENCHY

Side Note: I haven’t given up my beloved margarita just yet!!! This is just super light and refreshing and perfect for the springtime. Come summertime I’m going to see if hubs can whip up a mash up of the Frenchy and the margarita… NOW WE’RE TALKING!

The Frenchy: Grapefruit, Elderflower, and Gin Cocktail

Hubs and I have a new favorite restaurant in town… THE COOPER. Don’t even get me started. The food is out of this world but the COCKTAILS Y’ALL. Holy Smokes. We have yet to try one that isn’t insanely perfect. They make all their own bar mixers which is the KEY. Fresh is best.

So, being that we have a toddler and can’t really go out for cocktails these days without a sitter, hubs has made it his mission to create some at-home versions of our favorite drinks from The Cooper. We save money, the baby gets to go to sleep early, and we get to have an at-home date night sitter free. WIN. WIN. WIN.

This drink is our at home version of The Cooper’s “Name Dropper” Cocktail. It consists of 4 things: Grapefruit Juice, Gin, St. Germain Elderflower liquor, and  simple syrup. So here’s the thing… I didn’t even know if I liked gin. I honestly don’t think I had ever tried it and probably wouldn’t have ordered it off of a menu for fear of being stuck with a $9 cocktail I didn’t care for. We went to the Cooper and my friend ordered this drink and let me taste a sip. I WAS IN LOVE (you know how you taste something and wish you ordered that instead? yep.). Anyhow, I knew hubs would recreate it at home… and he did.

Perfection. We have since shared this with many friend and it was equally loved. We are talking Gin haters & grapefruit haters alike. They all sincerely loved it (as in… they wanted the recipe and have made it again and again)! So if you think you might not like this… give it a shot! You will likely be surprised!


The Frenchy: Grapefruit, Elderflower, and Gin Cocktail

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The Frenchy: Grapefruit, Elderflower and Gin Cocktail

Yield: 1 cocktail

A simple yet refreshing cocktail with grapefruit and elderflower liqueur... perfect for springtime!


2 ounces Gin
2 ounces Pink Grapefruit Juice
3/4 ounce St. Germain Elderflower Liqueur
1/2 ounce Simple Syrup*

*Simple Syrup is just a 1 part sugar to 1 part water mixture: Boil in a small saucepan stirring until sugar is complete dissolved and allow to cool completely before using. I like to make a 1 cup to 1 cup batch and store in the refrigerator for future use.


Pour ingredients into a cocktail shaker filled with ice and shake well for 20-30 seconds. Strain into a glass Filled with additional ice. Serve.

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7 Responses to “The Frenchy: Grapefruit, Elderflower and Gin Cocktail”

  1. 1

    lucinda — March 13, 2015 @ 11:25 am

    I love fresh grapefruit juice, vodka and St Germain. Shaken poured into a martini glass…yum!

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    Amanda — March 13, 2015 @ 8:37 pm

    This sounds and looks awesome! Can’t wait to try it!

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    Kristen @ Dinner For Two Blog — March 24, 2015 @ 7:40 pm

    I love the huge ice cubes! And woop woop is totally still a thing!

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    Jessica - The Novice Chef — April 8, 2015 @ 2:01 pm

    Can you and Mike come make these for me??? Gorgeous!

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    mary — November 22, 2015 @ 12:43 pm

    what brand gin did you use?

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    Hassan Mostafa — November 2, 2016 @ 7:16 am

    In Egypt we love it

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    Stephanie — February 17, 2017 @ 8:23 pm

    Absolutely DELICIOUS! So refreshing and light… would be great with brunch 🙂 We omitted the simple syrup and added a touch more Elderflower Liqueur. Will be definitely making this again!

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