Monday, August 22, 2011

Easy Cheesy Hot Bean Dip

Happy Monday everyone! It’s an especially happy Monday for me since I have a short work week & I have to say I’m pretty pumped about it. I leave Wednesday afternoon for IFBC Nola! I’ve never been to New Orleans so I’m excited to see what all the hype is about. Feel free to leave any restaraunt / places to see suggestions if you’ve been there! 😉

Anyhow, I have some Cajun / New Orleans fare coming up for ya’ll later this week, but in the mean time I thought I’d leave you will a super easy and super yummy dip recipe: 

I’m a dip girl. Well, I’m really an appetizer girl (dips fall into this category). In a perfect world, I’d skip the main meal and just graze of a myriad of appetizers - mmm love! 

I first got this recipe from Aunt Kathy (you know the one), and it’s always a huge hit for any party! Cream Cheese, Beans, Salsa, and Cheese. Easy. Peasy. Hot and Cheesy. Absolutely delicious.

The beans used in the orginal recipe are the Bushes Chili Starter beans. Sometimes I’ll sub out some refried beans seasoned with some cumin and other Mexican spices to change it up! Go with your gut people.

Enjoy this hot cheesy delicious dip at your next gathering! Your friends will thank you! 

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Easy Cheesy Hot Bean Dip

Yield: Serves 6-8

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Cook Time: 35 minutes

Total Time: 40 minutes

Note: I often substitute a can of refried beans for the Chili Starter beans. I season them with about a tsp of Cumin and/or some diced green chilies (canned).


1 (8 oz) block of Cream Cheese, softened
1 (15.5 oz) Can of Bushes Chili Starter Beans
1 Jar of Salsa (8-12 oz)
1- 1 1/2 Cups Grated Cheese of Choice (Cheddar, Colby Jack, etc...)


Preheat oven to 350º. Spray a 9 inch pie plate (or any equal sized oven safe dish) with Non-Stick Cooking Spray. Spread the cream cheese evenly in the bottom of the dish. Next, using the lid of the can, gently drain of the liquid from the beans (do not rinse), and then evenly spread on top of the cream cheese. Pour salsa on top of the beans, using just enough to cover them (about 8-10 oz).

Place into preheated oven and bake for 30 minutes until the edges begin to bubble. Remove from oven, add the shredded cheese (enough to cover the salsa). Place back into oven just long enough to melt the cheese (about 5-8 more minutes). Remove from oven and serve with Tortilla Chips.

Recipe Source: Aunt Kathy

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57 Responses to “Easy Cheesy Hot Bean Dip”

  1. 1

    Janet Kay — June 28, 2014 @ 11:36 am

    I love this—but instead of baking, I just mix it all up in the crock-pot and let it go for a couple of hours, stirring occasionally. I also a generous pinch of cumin-subtle but makes a huge difference!!!

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